Different healthcare providers, each with their own expertise, group together within Healthcube. They subscribe to Healthcube's vision; answering a request for help together from different areas of expertise in order to get the patient/e or client back in balance as much as possible.
Read on to find out more about our amazing team members and their specialities.
As therapists, we all do our utmost to treat you as quickly, and most importantly, as well as possible. We all often have waiting times before our patients can see us, even the urgent cases. We therefore ask you to reschedule your appointments in good time. This way we can help people who need urgent care. Appointments should 48h in advance cancelled to avoid charging. Please treat us and your fellow patients with the same respect with which we treat you.
Thank you on behalf of the entire Healthcube team
When you have made an appointment, it is best to wait in the waiting room. The healthcare provider in question will come to collect you. Sometimes it happens that someone arrives just a little later due to circumstances. We try to avoid walking through the corridor or knocking on doors to ensure the privacy and quiet of the other patients.
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